
Platinum #192: Don’t Knock Twice

Hey there!

Don’t Knock Twice is a short little horror game, which can be completed in around 1 hour. The game reminded me of Dying: Reborn. It also supports PlayStation VR, but it’s not needed.

Like I said, it’s similar to Dying: Reborn and if you liked this game, you might also enjoy this one. I haven’t enjoyed both.

You need to make 2 playthroughs for the Platinum Trophy. Luckily, you can use cloud save to shorten the second playthrough. There are also the usual collectibles trophies and there’s one trophy called “Faster Than Light” which requires you to complete the game without lighting any wall candles. Unfortunately, this trophy is a little bit glitchy and it might be possible that you need to play through the game again.

If you’re having any troubles with beating the game or the collectibles, you can use this video guide by IBadDriverI.


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ChromaGun – Trophy Guide

Difficulty: 3/10
Time to Platinum: 3-4 hours (less with guide)
Playthroughs: 1
Missable Trophies: 0 (all can be gotten during chapter select)


P       The End

            Yeah, that’s it

Unlock all trophies.


B       Not A Lie

            Find the hidden cake we actually have, as opposed to that other game that doesn’t have a cake.

The cake can be found In Chapter 3: Floor 4. Don’t go through the exit after beating the level. Instead turn around and go inside the room in which the 2 WorkerDroids have been. At the end, you’ll find a small passage which can be entered. Inside this passage you’ll find the cake.


B       Pre-Schooler

            Mix a color. It’s not that hard, really.

This trophy is story-related and will unlock during Chapter 2: Floor 2.


B       Right in the Head!

            Shoot a WorkerDroid.

This trophy is story-related and will unlock during Chapter 1: Floor 2.


B       Doing it Wrong

            Try painting grey WorkerDroid and realize how pointless that was.

In Chapter 2: Floor 3 you’ll encounter your first grey WorkerDroid. Simply shoot him with your gun to unlock this trophy.

B       Open, Sesame!

            Open a door by activating a trigger.

This trophy is story-related and will unlock during Chapter 1: Floor 6.


B       Sizzle, Sizzle

            Grill a WorkerDroid on a Deadly Electrified Maintenance Tile.

This trophy is story-related and will unlock during Chapter 3: Floor 1.


G       Welcome to ChromaTec

            Finish Chapter 1.

For this trophy, you must beat all 8 levels of Chapter 1.


Take a look at “The End” for video walkthrough, in case you need help.


G       Color Equals Fun

            Finish Chapter 2.

For this trophy, you must beat all 9 levels of Chapter 2.


Take a look at “The End” for video walkthrough, in case you need help.


G       Vector Operations

            Finish Chapter 3.

For this trophy, you must beat all 7 levels of Chapter 3.


Take a look at “The End” for video walkthrough, in case you need help.


G       Desperate Times

            Finish Chapter 4.

For this trophy, you must beat all 7 levels of Chapter 4.


Take a look at “The End” for video walkthrough, in case you need help.


G       Desperate Measures

            Finish Chapter 5.

For this trophy, you must beat all 7 levels of Chapter 5.


Take a look at “The End” for video walkthrough, in case you need help.


G       How Time Flies

            Finish Chapter 6.

For this trophy, you must beat all 7 levels of Chapter 6.


Take a look at “The End” for video walkthrough, in case you need help.


G       Demanded Attention

            Finish Chapter 7.

For this trophy, you must beat all 6 levels of Chapter 7.


Take a look at “The End” for video walkthrough, in case you need help.


G       The Grand Finale

            Finish Chapter 8.

For this trophy, you must beat all 6 levels of Chapter 8.


Take a look at “The End” for video walkthrough, in case you need help.


S       Wait, what?

            Solve a chamber without firing a single shot.

This trophy can be unlocked during Chapter 7: Floor 6. In this level, you must release the WorkerDroids by standing on the trigger and lure them to trigger in the next room. Repeat this until the door is open and don’t fire! Doing this will unlock this trophy.


B       Ineffective

            Try to jump… and fail.

Simply press X during any level to unlock this trophy.

B       Dangerously Ineffective

            Try to jump over a Deadly Electrified Maintenance Tile… and fail horribly.

Deadly Electrified Maintenance Tiles appear from Chapter 3: Floor 1 onwards. Try jumping over a tile by pressing X. This will cause your death and unlock this trophy.


B       Making Darwin Proud

            Simply walk onto the Deadly Electrified Maintenance tile in Chamber 3-1.

Simply do as the trophy description says and walk on the Deadly Electrified Maintenance Tile in Chapter 3: Floor 1. This will cause your death and unlock this trophy.


B       No Hugging!

            Get killed by a WorkerDroid.

The earliest possible stage to unlock this trophy is Chapter 1: Floor 8. There you’ll encounter a spiked WorkerDroid. Let it hit you until you’re dead to unlock this trophy.


B       Droid Love

            Rescue the WorkerDroid in Chamber 5-3.

The trophy description is a little bit misleading as you can’t rescue the WorkerDroid in Chapter 5: Floor 3. It should better be called: “Don’t kill the WorkerDroid in Chamber 5-3.” Don’t kill the droid and this trophy will be yours.

Platinum #191: 36 Fragments of Midnight (EU Version)

Hey there!

36 Fragments of Midnight is a platformer for PlayStation Vita and costs 2.99€. It is currently only available in the EU store. I was available in the NA store as well but it has been removed after one day. I don’t know when or if it will be available again.

The game itself isn’t that hard. There’s only one level, which is randomly generated, in which you need to collect 36 fragments. There are traps, like in every platformer, and you only have one life. This means if you get killed, you must start all over again.

There are only 12 trophies (incl. the Platinum Trophy) and they aren’t too hard if you’re good at platformers. Even if you suck at platformers, like me, you should get all trophies within 2 hours. The most annoying one is the speedrun trophy, in which you need to collect all fragments within 6 minutes. Here you need a little luck with the traps. Sometimes you must wait and thus you’ll lose precision seconds. Once this trophy is done, you can take your time a go for the other trophies on your own pace.

If you own a PlayStation Vita, it’s totally worth to get this game. As already mentioned, the game isn’t too hard at all. Stay concentrated and patient and this Platinum Trophy will be yours in no time.


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Platinum #189 + 190: ChromaGun (EU + NA Version)

Hey there!

In ChromaGun you find yourself within ChromaTech’s test facilities and you need to progress through the rooms (50 in total) by using your paint gun. You need to paint walls and WorkerDroids, trigger switches and open doors to proceed. It’s a nice little puzzle game which isn’t too challenging at all. Most of the puzzles can be completed on your first attempt but there are a few tricky ones that might take a few tries.

The graphics aren’t too bad and the controls are pretty good. There’s also a story but it is insignificant.

Most of the trophies are story-related or you’ll get them naturally. A few of them are missable but don’t worry, there’s a chapter select.

The first time I needed a little bit under 4 hours to complete the game. The second time I could do it in a little bit over 2 hours.

There are 2 versions available (EU and NA) and both are fast and easy Platinum Trophies. But I’d wait until this game is on sale as it is a little bit overpriced.


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Platinum #188: The Smurfs 2

Hey there!

The Smurfs2 has been released for PlayStation 3 in 2013 and is one of the easiest platformers I’ve ever played. It is so easy that I only died once in 2 playthroughs – and I really suck at platformers.

The graphics are good and the controls work perfect. I can’t tell you anything about the story as I’ve skipped everything. To be honest, I wasn’t here for the story, I was here for the Platinum Trophy.

For the Platinum Trophy, you need to complete the game twice. First of all, simply run through the levels as fast as you can. This shouldn’t give you much problems as in most cases you only need run from left to right. Whenever you see a coin which can be easily gotten, try to pick it up but don’t worry if you can’t get it yet as you will need to play through the levels again. The only thing you want to do during this playthrough is to beat each boss without getting hit. There are only 6 bosses and they won’t give you any troubles once you’ve learned their patterns.

After finishing them game you need to collect all coins to unlock all the Smurfs. This will be very easy as you now can switch between the Smurfs within the levels, which will allow you to get all the remaining coins.

The rest of the trophies are very easy to get but you need a second DualShock 3 controller as you need to beat one level with a friend. Make sure you have one before starting this game.

Whenever you stumble across a cheap copy of this game, pick it up. It’s definitively worth it is very easy and short. You should get the Platinum Trophy in 6-8 hours or less.


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Platinum #187: Truck Racer

Hey there!
Truck Racer is one of the games which are currently free for PS+ members (September 2017). If this game wouldn’t be free, I’d have never touched this one – believe me.
As the game title implies, it’s a racing game in which you take control over trucks. Trucks aren’t the fastest vehicles in the world and so is the game. Be prepared for some slow action if you’re going to play this game – and that’s not even the worst part. The worst things are the crappy control and the unrealistic physics.
The only good thing of this game – except for being free – is, that it is very easy. Just buy the best truck as soon as you’ve enough money and keep upgrading it. With this method, you won’t have any problems. A few time trails might still take a few tries but that’s all.
Most of the trophies will unlock automatically while progressing through the story but there are also some online trophies. Here it is advised to boost them with your buddy. While boosting, you should also focus on destroying 15 trucks. This is much easier done against your buddy than against the A.I.
Even if you suck at racing games, this one shouldn’t take you much longer than 8-10 hours. But be prepared, you’ll get bored very soon. So, think about it twice if you want to spend 10 hours in this game.


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Platinum #186: Planet of the Eyes

Hey there!

Planet of the Eyes is a nice little platformer, which has already been released a while ago on Steam. Now they made a port for PS4.
The game itself is cheap and very easy. Thus, it’s an ideal game for every trophy hunter. Even if you suck at platformer – like me. ;-) Most of the time you’re just running / jumping from left to right. There are only a few tricky parts, which might take you a few tries but they’re easily doable if you know how.
Nearly all trophies are missable, so it’s best to follow this video guide by IBadDriverI. With this guide, you should be able to beat the game in around 1 hour.


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Platinum #185: The Book of Regrets

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The genre of The Book of Regrets is hard to describe. I think a mixture between visual novel and text based adventure would fit the most. It’s an ideal game for every trophy hunter who’s looking for a quick Platinum Trophy. Like in every other visual novel, you can skip through the whole text and the game will automatically stop at each decision. Follow the video guide by IBadDriverI below and you shouldn’t have any issues with the game. It shows you all mandatory playthroughs and you should get all trophies within 2-3 hours.
The game costs only 4.99$ and can be found in the NA store only. Let’s all hope it will get an EU release with a different trophy stack. ;-)


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Platinum #184: Men in Black: Alien Crisis

Hey there!

When I was young I loved on-rails shooter and I thought it might be fun to play one again. So, I started searching for one. It turned out that they are rather rare on PlayStation and even rarer to get in Austria. Finally, I could find a copy of Men in Black: Alien Crisis at a GameStop.
I started the game a few days ago and thought it might be fun, even though I haven’t expected much of this game. I already read about it and knew it won’t be the best game ever. But man, this game is horrible. The graphics are ugly, even for a PlayStation 3 game which is already a few years old, and the story and voice-acting are just trash. The controls are also awful when using a DualShock 3 controller. It might be better when using PlayStation Move but I don’t have a Move Controller and can’t say anything about it.
Luckily, the game is very easy and can be beaten in rather short time. You’ll also unlock most of the trophies on your first playthrough. But you need to play through the game twice, once on Agent and once on Special Agent. Special Agent is slightly harder but shouldn’t give you much problems. The end boss might be a little bit frustrating but is doable after some tries.
Beating the game twice isn’t all you need to do for the Platinum Trophy. You also must play 12 so called VR Missions. For this you need a second DualShock 3 or a Move controller as you must do them co-op.
The most annoying trophy in this game is called “Dodge and Weave”, which can only be unlocked in chapter 7. You aren’t allowed to get hit by the mines and if you get hit by one, you must restart the whole section. This took me a while.
If someone gifts you a copy of this game, you can play it but otherwise don’t waste your money on this game. There are far better games out there.


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Platinum #183: Perfect Angle

Hey there!

Perfect Angle is a puzzle game, which has already been released on Steam back in 2015.

In this game, you’ll have to rotate shapes, which are hanging in the air, so that their shadows build the correct form (e.g. Rubik’s cube, ice-cream cone, sea horse…).

As you’re just progressing from one level to the next, there’s no story. Graphics and sound effects are okay, but could have been better. The controls are good.

For the Platinum Trophy, all you need to do is to beat levels 1-104. Some of those puzzles are easy, while some can be really hard. The good thing is that you can beat the game within 2 hours if you’re following a guide.

Perfect Angle can be found only in a few PSN stores (UK, ES) currently and is also quite expensive. It’s best to wait for a price drop. Maybe we’ll see different stacks of the game, when it will be released in other regions. At least I hope so.

Here’s a great guide by IBadDriverI if you’re too lazy to solve the puzzles on your own:


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Platinum #182: Dying Reborn (PS4 JP Version)

Hey there!

I can’t believe that I played through this shitty game thrice now. I also don’t want to waste your time again with this game. If you want to know something about Dying Reborn, head over to Platinum #157.

The only thing that should be mentioned is that some puzzles are different compared to the EU and NA versions. But that’s it. You shouldn’t have any problems to beat this version if you’ve beaten one of the other version before.



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Platinum #181: The Town of Light

Hey there!
The Town of Light is another game which can be completed within a couple of hours. But be warned, it’s more or less a walking simulator. You’re simply walking from one point to another, solve some very easy puzzles and pick up some collectibles.

The story is very weird. You wake up in an abandoned mental home without any memories. It’s your task to figure out who you are and what happened here. Per the devs, the story is based on actual events. Unfortunately, the story isn’t very good. I was following it for a while but got bored soon. The set-up would have been perfect for a horror game but there aren’t any shocking events. Okay, if you’re a child, some things can be very disturbing. Thus, you shouldn’t let your kids play this game.

Graphics and controls are okay for this kind of game. I’ve seen already better but I’ve also seen worse. The voice acting was pretty lame. Here they could have done better. The most annoying thing is the long loading time. It feels like you’re waiting forever when starting the game.

As already mentioned above, this game can be completed within 3 hours by following a guide. Most of the trophies are story related but there are also some collectibles you need to pick up. Don’t worry if you miss one, there’s chapter select.

As a trophy hunter, you should pick up this game when it’s on sale. It’s not worth the full price. All other players should spend their money on any other game.