
Summing Up the Past #7: The Point-and-Clicks

Welcome back!
After I completed my Visual Novels I was looking for further cheap game. Luckily there was a huge Flash Sale in the US PS Store with a lot of easy Point-and-Click games.
“But Point-and-Click games aren’t easy – they’re very hard and illogical in some cases.” – That’s basically correct if you’re playing those games blind. If you take advantage of a guide, and you can find one for most of the games in the internet, they’re damn easy and most of them can be completed within a couple of hours. I know, the fun factory is of course not that high if you’re following strictly to a guide but it’s the fastest way to beat the game and to unlock trophies.
As a person who played a lot of those games within the last year I wouldn’t recommend playing many of them in a row. This can get really boring and annoying, unless you’re a huge fan of this kind of games.
Now let’s see which games kept me busy the upcoming weeks:
45.  The Bunker – A full motion video Point-and-Click. In my opinion this game isn’t any good. I didn’t like the acting and the story was also quite lame. The good thing is that it doesn’t take very long. There are also two endings, which are both related to a trophy, but you don’t have to play the game twice. Simply make your last choice in the game, wait for the trophy to unlock and exit the game. Afterwards you can start at the last checkpoint and make the other decision. This method will save you another full playthrough of the game but you won’t see one of the endings. If you’re interested, you can check out Stay and/or Leave on IBadDriverI’s channel.
46.  Broken Sword 5 – I already played the original Broken Sword on my PlaySation back in the days and I had high hopes in this game. Unfortunately the story wasn’t that good and I didn’t really enjoyed it that much.
47.  Day of the Tentacle Remastered – If you like old school Point-and-Click games and/or haven’t played the original Day of the Tentacle yet, I can only highly recommend this to you. It’s truly a good game and they did an awesome job with the remastering. You can also play the classical Maniac Mansion within this game.
48.  Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations (PS4 version) – Man, I hate this game! I really had to push me through it. The story is just lame and you can’t skip the conversations. I don’t know if I’ll ever go for the Platinum Trophy in the PS3 version as well. Maybe you need to be a fan of the TV series to find the jokes funny.
49.  Jazzpunk (EU version) – A strange little adventure game with a lot of missable trophies. I highly recommend using a guide to beat it on one go. There’s also a US version with a separate trophy list available.
50.  Grim Fandango Remastered – Another great remastered game by Double Fine Productions, the same team which remastered Day of the Tentacle. Unfortunately this one takes a few hours and you have to play it with tank control to unlock the Platinum Trophy.
51.  Arcade Game Series: Dig Dug – This game can be bought as a bundle with two other classical arcade games (Pac Man and Galaga) for a good price. All of them a pretty easy when you abuse the cloud save function but this game is the most annoying and, at least in my opinion, hardest one.
52.  Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3 version) – As I already played the Vita version I simply had to download my save file on my PS3 and all trophies auto-popped.
53.  Back to the Future: The Game (PS4 version) – If you’re a fan of BTTF, you’ll most likely enjoy this game. At the beginning it briefly follows the story of the movies but then it goes into a completely different direction. As most of the other Point-and-Clicks, this one has a lot of missable trophies and a guide is recommended.
That’s it for today. I hope you found the one or the other game that might help you to increase your Platinum Count. Next time I’ll tell you how to play multiple games at once and about the rest of the games I completed within 2016.

Summing Up the Past #6 – The Visual Novels

Hey there!

After finishing all 6 versions of Sound Shapes I wanted to use the momentum and go for more easy Platinum Trophies. I heard that some the easiest games are so called Visual Novels. As this type of game was pretty new to me, the first thing I did was to make a research. I didn’t want to buy the pig in a poke. After reading through some forums I arrived at following conclusion:

1.    As these are novels, you have to do a lot of reading – hmm, this sounds annoying…
2.    Several playthroughs are needed in most of them – lame!
3.    You can complete most of them by skipping through texts and making tactical saves within a few hours – ok, this sounds much better.
4.    You can find guides for most of them in the internet – that’s great!
5.    Most of them are only available in Japan and thus only in Japanese language – this sucks!
6.    They are pretty expensive and you have to pay import charges – this sucks even more!

So I was sitting there and thinking: ”Do I really want to pay 70€ or more for one single game which I only buy for the Platinum Trophy and can be completed in a few hours or less?” My answer to this was “no”. But I also wanted more easy Platinum Trophies as so I was looking for some used games. Surprisingly they weren’t that hard to find and I was able to get some for a good price.

I remember quite well when I started my first Visual Novel. I was so nervous. Everything was in Japanese and I was so afraid that I’d mess something up. I knew if I do something wrong, I’d have to start all over again and I’d have no chance to figure out where I fucked up. Luckily there was no need to be worried as the guide which I was using was perfect.

To be honest, at the beginning it was pretty annoying skipping through the whole game but the more games I played, the more I got used to it. Now it’s not a big deal for me anymore as I know that I’ll have a new Platinum Trophy when I’m done with the game. Even though some most of those games need several playthroughs (or skip-throughs), I can only recommend them to ongoing trophy hunters. It’s really and easy and fats way to increase you platinum count.

Of course, Visual Novels weren’t the only games I played at that time. Here’s an overview of games I managed to complete within the next months:

31.  Orc Slayer (EU version) – Keep your hands of this game, it only takes one hour but it’s one of the worst games I’ve ever played. This video by IBadDriverI speaks for itself.
32.  Orc Slayer (US version) – same as above
33.  Life Is Strange (PS4 version) – In case you haven’t played it yet, give it a try. It’s really a good game with an awesome story.
34.  Arcade Game Series: Galaga – Can be bought together with Pac Man and Dig Dug in a bundle for a good price. Abusing the cloud save function makes the Platinum Trophy relatively easy.
35.  恋愛0キロメートルV – My first Visual Novel!
36.  いますぐお兄ちゃんに妹だっていいたい! - Another Visual Novel.
37.  Arcade Game Series: Pac Man – Again, abusing the cloud save function makes this game pretty easy.
38.  グリザイアの果実スピンアウト!? アイドル魔法少女ちるちるみちる – Probably the easiest and fastest Visual Novels ever. It took me 6 minutes only to skip through hall the videos and unlock the Platinum Trophy.
39.  Funk of Titans – An easy side-scrolling Jump-and-Run.
40.  Catlateral Damage – You’re playing as a cat and have to mess up some houses. Do I have to say more?
41.  The DeadlyTower of Monsters – A quite good indie shooter. Can be completed in 6 hours.
42.  Murdered: Soul Suspect (PS4 version) – A puzzle game with an awesome story. Unfortunately there’re so many collectibles that need to be picked up for the Platinum Trophy.
43.  Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS Vita version) – A typical Jump-and-Run. The good thing about this game is that you can autopop the PS3 version trophies once you’ve beaten the PS Vita version of the game and vice versa.
44.  Amnesia: Memories – Another Visual Novel. The good things about this game are that it was free for PS+ Members and that it is translated into English.

That’s it for today. Next time I’ll tell you something about Point-and Click games.


Summing Up the Past #5 – Sound Shapes and Auto-Popping

Hello and welcome back!

Before I start telling you something about the – at least in my opinion – most important game for trophy hunters, let’s see which games I completed in the last weeks. These were:
  • Ratchet & Clank
  • Table Top Racing: World Tour
  • Nubla (EU version, here are links to my guide and a video walkthrough by IBadDriverI)
  • Zombie Army Trilogy
  • Until Dawn
  • Teslagrad
  • Albedo (EU version)
  • Dungeons 2
  • Albedo (US version)
  • SkyScrappers (EU version)
  • SkyScrappers (US version)
  • Need for Speed Rivals (PS4 version)
  • Goosebumps: The Game
  • Arcade Game Series: Ms. Pac-Man
  • N.E.R.O.
With these games I already had a platinum count of 24 but I wanted more – and I wanted them fast. I started searching the internet for games with fast and easy Platinum Trophies and stumbled over Sound Shapes.

When I first hear about the game I was skeptical if I should play it. It’s some kind of side-scrolling game with musical and rhythmical elements in which you’re in control of a yellow ball. Furthermore the game consist of 3 modes (Campaign, Death Mode and Beat School) and many people were saying that Death Mode can be a pain in the ass and could keep you busy for a while. I was thinking about it for several days but eventually I decided to go or it.

I must admit that some of the Death Mode level have been hard and luck based but overall I was quite surprised by the gameplay. I must say that I really liked that game and can recommend it to everybody. Yes, some of the Death Mode levels can keep you busy for a while but the rest is cake walk. You can beat all Beat School levels easily within minutes by using a guide and in the end the hard work pays off. There are 6 different versions available (PS Vita, PS3, PS4 EU, PS4 US, PS4 JP and PS4 Asia) and you only need to beat the game once to unlock all trophies and all other versions! As soon as you’ve beaten the game, upload your save file into the cloud via the in-game function. Afterwards start a different version of the game and download you save file. Now all you have to do is to keep watching while your trophies pop. The good thing is that it doesn’t only auto-pop the base game trophies, also all DLC trophies pop as well. The game has 89 trophies worth 2880 points per version. This means that you can get 17280 points by beating the game once and auto-pop the 5 remaining versions afterwards. Due to this it is the most important game for trophy hunters up to now. At least in my opinion.

Hey, you’ve loaded your save file into another version of the game! Isn’t that cheating? – No, it’s not! I know that this is a very hot debate in many forums but all you’re doing is to use functions that are in the game. Basically you’re taking advantage of the games bad programming and no trophy hunter side will ban you for this.
With Sound Shapes I was able to increase get 6 platinum, 6 gold 522 silver trophies within a few days without much effort. After this my total platinum score was 30.

That’s it for today. I hope you enjoyed reading and in case you haven’t got Sound Shapes yet, I can only recommend to buy it. It’s a very easy way to increase your platinum count.
