
Platinum #155: The World of Nubla (US Version)

Hey there!

The 4th version of the same game has now been released. This one can be found in the US store. It’s a very short and easy puzzle game that can be completed in under one hour.
Half of the trophies are story related and the rest are for picking up collectibles. Don’t worry, there’re only 10 collectibles in the game scattered over 4 chapters. The only bad thing is that there’s no chapter select. This means that you have to get all collectibles within one playthrough or you’d have to start over again.
As I already played through it thrice before, I was playing through it blind and managed to get all trophies within 33 minutes. For those of you who haven’t played it yet I recommend to follow my guide or watch the video by IBadDriverI below. With this you’ll be able to get all trophies within one single playthrough.


Platinum #154: 1000 Top Rated

Update: Sony has removed this game from the store! See for futrher information.

Hey there!

1000 Top Rated is currently the cheapest Platinum Trophy available. At the moment it costs 0.98$ only (full Price would be 2.99$) and is available in the US store.
It’s a tile-slide puzzle with 3 different difficulties (Easy, Medium & Hard). The patterns are always the same and if you know the solutions, you can beat the game in 15 minutes or less. The only thing you need to be aware of is that you don’t solve your first puzzles too fast as you have to improve your own result twice.
3 trophies (First Break, Record Hunter and Close One) are glitched at the moment but that’s not a big deal. When you improve your result for the first time you’ll unlock Record Hunter instead of First Break and when you improve it for the second time you’ll get First Break instead of Record Hunter. The description for Close One says that you must improve your result by 1 second or less but you’ll also get it in case you’re faster. I improved my fist result by more than 30 seconds and got it as well.
If you suck at tile-slide puzzles (like me), you could record it with your smart phone and scroll backwards to see where the tiles went or you can simply use the solutions shown below.




Alternatively you could also check out this video by IBadDriverI.

I hope this helps and Happy Hunting!


Platinum #153: Energy Cycle (PS4 NA Version)

Hey there!
People, if you’re looking for a cheap Platinum Trophy, this is definitively your game. Not only because of its price – 2.99$ on the PSN store – but also because of the glitch, with which you can complete the game within under 15 minutes.
The game itself is a puzzle game in which you to click on the cells shown on screen to change its colors. When all cells have the same color, you’ll advance to the next level. There are 3 different modes (Puzzle, Time Attack & Infinite Play) and you have to beat all of them.
Check out this platinum playthrough by IBadDriverI, which shows you some of its gameplay and the glitch to beat the game within no time. Be fast, it could happen that they patch it soon!

Platinum #152: The Walking Dead – A New Frontier

Hey there!

As I already played and enjoyed season 1 and 2 of The Walking Dead I was expecting a lot from the latest installment – and I wasn’t disappointed.

The latest season is a little bit different from the previous ones. It’s set a few years after the last season and you’re now in control of a new character called Javi. Of course, Clementine is also back but she has a minor role compared to season 2. Nevertheless she has her moments and you’ll soon realize that she can be a real badass! :-)
The story and characters a great. If you’re familiar with the comics, you’ll meet someone you should know. As usual, you’ll also have to make some hard decision. As Telltale is using its newest engine, the graphics have improved a lot.

In regards of trophies you have nothing else to do than beating the game and you’ll be awarded with a new Platinum Trophy.

For me this this is another prove that The Walking Dead is the best Telltale game up to now. The only bad thing is that the game is shorter than the previous ones.
If you liked the previous seasons or you’re a fan of the comics and/or TV show, this is a must buy.


Platinum #151: Seasons After Fall

Oh my god, what a fucking bullshit game! I mean I wasn’t expecting a lot from a 2D platformer but this game is really terrible. You’re running around as a fox and trying to bring back the keepers of the 4 seasons to fulfill some strange ritual.

The game starts pretty easy with a very long tutorial in which you learn how to use your powers. The longer the tutorial lasts, the more powers you get. You can’t do anything wrong during this part as a voice is always telling you what to do. After that, you’re pretty much on your own.
Luckily the game has only for different levels (spring, summer, fall and winter), which can be visited at any time, and the game has only a few tricky parts. Unfortunately you’ll around 6-8 yours to beat this crap.
I’d recommend using some YouTube videos for “A bird”, “Obscured altar”, “Lofty altar” and “A pretty bouquet” to get this shit done as fast as possible. You shouldn’t have any issues with the rest.

If you really want to go for this game, I’d wait until it is on sale. 20€ is way too much for it. Personally I’d skip this game and spend the money for something else.


Summing Up the Past #9: 2017

Welcome back!

This time I’m going to list up all the games I did from beginning of 2017 until now. It’s quite a long list but it will be the last “Summing Up the Past” post. After this one I will post every time I get a new Platinum Trophy. I will also get a little bit into more detail of each game then and will try to give you some valuable tips. But before this, let’s see what kept me busy this year:
85.  Believer! – This year started good as I had 2 unplayed Visual Novels in my backlog. The first one I got rid of was Believer!, which can be completed in under 20 minutes by using a guide.

86.  グリザイアの楽園 -LE EDEN DE LA GRISAIA- - Another quick and easy Visual Novel. This one can be completed in under 15 minutes.

87.  Steep – This is one of the best games I played within this year. It’s a winter sports game in which you need to beat Snowboard/Ski, Paraglide and Wingsuit challenges with awesome graphics. Some of these challenges are pretty hard but they’re all doable if you keep trying. Unfortunately one trophy was glitched – but this was predictable as it has been developed by Ubisoft – and I had to find a workaround for this. It took me a week to figure it out but it finally worked. There’s also been released the Winterfest DLC lately but to be honest, the difficulty as well as the fun factor in this DLC decreased a lot. I was able to complete Winterfest in under one hour but it bored the hell out of me. I can only recommend to not by this DLC, unless you’re a 100% completionist.

88.  Life is Strange (PS3 version) – I can only recommend this game to anyone who hasn’t played it yet. It’s an episodic drama – similar to Telltale games – with an awesome story. I truly enjoyed this game even I already played the PS4 version.

89.  The Wolf Among Us (PS3 version) – As it’s a Telltale game, I’d normally play the game simultaneously on different systems but I read that it should have a good story so I gave it a try. Unfortunately I got very disappointed. IMO the characters as well as the story itself were pretty bad. And what’s even worse, some of the chapters need to be replayed for some trophies. I really had a hard time playing through this game and I knew I had to play it 2 more times.

90.  The Wolf Among Us (PS4 version) – Directly after beating the PS3 version, I started playing through the PS3 and Vita versions simultaneously. The second playthrough was even worse. Additionally the Vita crashed a few times and I had to play large portions of chapter again.

91.  The Wolf Among Us (Version version) – see above

92.  Her Majesty’s SPIFFING – A short and easy Point & Click with British humor. This may be funny for some people but I found it pretty annoying. I can’t get used to this kind of humor.

93.  The Walking Dead (PS3 version) – After playing The Wolf Among Us I thought it might be the right time to get rid of my Telltale backlog. So I played the first season of The Walking Dead on my PS3 and the Vita simultaneously. IMO it’s still the best Telltale game up to now.

94.  The Walking Dead (Vita version) – see above

95.  Peggle 2 – This is a puzzle game in which you have to shot enough bubbles to proceed to the next level. If you’re going for the Platinum Trophy, I highly recommend to buy the 2 DLCs as well as this will make some challenges much easier.

96.  X-Men: Destiny: This game looks and feels like a typical license game – weak story and always the same enemies. It’s a bit of a grind but nothing is really difficult. If you’re lucky and the glitch works, you can save yourself a complete playthrough on the highest difficulty.

97.  Deponia – Another very easy Point & Click. It has a few missable trophies but if you follow a guide, you won’t have any problems and can complete it in 2-3 hours.

98.  Virgina – There’s no dialogue at all in this Point & Click Adventure and it’s pretty straight forward. You need to play through the game twice to unlock the Platinum Trophy. In this case you could play blindly through the game for the first time but I highly recommend to use a guide for your second playthrough. There are some missbale trophies and don’t want to play through it for a 3rd time.

99.  Puss in Boots – The game to the movie of the same name. It’s designed for kids thus it should be much of a challenge for you. There’re a few annoying trophies but nothing really difficult.

100.              Monster Jam – As I’ve already played Monster Jam: Path of Destruction and Monster Jam: Crush It! I wanted to play this game as well. Luckily it was much better than Crush It! But no way as good as Battlegrounds. There are a few annoying levels in stunt mode where a guide would come in handy but the rest is cakewalk.

101.              Broken Age – By far the hardest Point & Click I’ve played yet. To unlock the Platinum Trophy you have to do a lot of random stuff and you also have to do a speedrun, which requires you to beat the game within one hour.

102.              Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs – Another license game but this one is a little bit more of a challenge. The story is fairly simple but there are some time challenges and a few of them might take you some tries.

103.              √Letter (EU PS4 version) – This is a visual novel that can be completed within a few hours but it requires your full attention. You have to manually switch between the different locations and have to do some investigations. Thus it’s not recommended to play this simultaneously with another game, as I usually would to while playing visual novels.

104.              Steins;Gate 0 (EU/US PS4 version) – Another quick and easy visual novel. It can be complete much faster than the original Steins;Gate as it requires lesser playthroughs.

105.              Color Guardians – I got this game for free as part of the Instant Game Collection for PS+ members. It’s a side scrolling Jump & Run and personally I found this game quite challenging.

106.              Coffin Dodgers – This one is a weird little Mario Kart clone. It’s not a bad game and can be completed within a few hours. You’ll unlock most of the trophies while playing through career. A few of them may need to be grinded.

107.              Goat Simulator (PS3 version) – As the name implies, you’re playing as a goat in this sandbox game. For the trophies you have to perform some random tasks and most of them are fairly easy. The only real pain-in-the-ass trophy is Flapmaster. You have to play a minigame within the game and its controls are just awful. It took me more time to unlock this trophy then to unlock all other trophies. Please note that the PS3 doesn’t have any DLCs whereas the PS4 versions has some DLCs with trophies.

108.              Kung Fu Panda 2 – This game follows the movie’s storyline. The game itself is easy but there are a few hundreds of collectibles you need to collect and the game doesn’t tell you in which region you’ve some. Luckily there are some good guides out there which help you with getting them all.

109.              Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture – AKA the walking simulator. The only thing you’re doing in this game is to walk through a town, watch some scenes and gather some collectibles. I liked the graphics and the setting of the game but the story is lame and the walking speed is REALLY slow. It’s hard not to fall asleep while playing this game. The good thing is, I got it for free as part of the IGC.

110.              Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments (EU/US PS3/PS4 version) – As a Sherlock Holmes fan I thought I’d have fun playing this Point & Click but no, it wasn’t fun at all. Lame story, lame graphics and annoying long loading times is the only thing the game can offer.

111.              XBlaze Lost Memories (EU/US Vita Version) – In the first part of the game you’re walking through some dungeons in which you have to pick up some collectibles. These collectibles help you to restore your memories and trigger some cutscenes. Halfway through the game it switches to a Visual Novel. I played this simultaneously with the PS3 version.

112.              XBlaze Lost Memories (EU/US PS3 Version) – see above

113.              Demetrios – Point & Click. As usual, can be completed within a few hours with the help of a guide. This one was actually quite funny – sometimes.

114.              Rozen Maiden: Wechseln sie welt ab (Vita version) – A Visual Novel which can be completed in a few hours. I don’t know why they gave it a German title – maybe the devs wanted to be cool – but “Wechseln sie welt ab” doesn’t mean anything in German.

115.              Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs – This game is like most of the other license game: pretty easy and not really good. Luckily there aren’t too much collectibles.

116.              Batman (PS4 version) – As every other Telltale game, all trophies unlock by simply processing through the story and can be played simultaneously with the PS3 version. It’s the last game Telltale released for PS3. Storywise it wasn’t that good and it ended with a cliff hanger so we can expect a season 2 in the future.

117.              Batman (PS3 version) – see above

118.              Rango – To my surprise, this was a license game which wasn’t that bad at all. I really enjoyed some parts of the game. Unfortunately you need to do some grinding at the end but this doesn’t take that long.

119.              Eekeemoo: Splinters of Dark Shard (EU version) – I bought this game shortly after it has been released and played through it blindly. I was able to unlock the Platinum Trophy in this “epic” Adventure / Hack & Slay in roughly 3.5 hours. There are a few collectibles and some of the kill related trophies are buggy but otherwise the game is very easy. If you need help you can follow this guide or this video by IBadDriverI for the collectibles.

120.              Eekeemoo: Splinters of Dark Shard (US version) – see above

121.              Gem Smashers (PS4 version) – In this puzzle game you have to collect (or smash) all gems within one level to be able to proceed to the next. The game is very easy but it’s only fund for about half an hour. After that you’ve already seen everything the game has to offer.

122.              Gem Smashers (Vita version) – see above, The only additional thing that needs to be pointed out is that Inverse Champion glitched on me on the Vita and I had to delete the game and reinstall it a few times to make this trophy unlock.

123.              Mr. Massagy – Another epic masterpiece by Green Lava Studios, the team that brought to you the highly anticipated My Name is Mayo – sarcasm off. The only reason why you should buy this game is because you can unlock the Platinum Trophy in this dating simulator within 20 minutes by following the IBadDriverI’s trophy guide video.

124.              FlatOut 4 – This seems to be one of the most underrated games of the year. If you’ve liked the previous games of the series or like Burnout games, you’ll for sure enjoy this game. If you’re struggling with it, check out my guide or IBadDriverI’s videos stunts, time trials and beat the bombs.

125.              Lara Croft GO – This game has been released by Square Enix and thus it’s similar to Himtan GO: Definitive Edition. You have to puzzle your way through the levels whilst picking up some collectibles. You don’t even need a guide, as the in-game tips will guide you through each level.

126.              Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink – This is one of many Point & Clicks developed by Artifex Mundi for Steam which have been ported to PS4 within the last years. Those games aren’t typical Point & Clicks as they also contain hidden object games. This one is the easiest and fastest of all those games.

127.              Gemini: Heroes Reborn – A very short and easy action game in which you gain most of the trophies by progressing through the story. Of course, it also has a trophy related to collectibles.

128.              Toro – The bull-fighting game nobody was waiting for. Bad graphics and lousy controls distinguishes this game from others.

129.              Gauntlet – I got this game for free as part of the IGC back in 2015. At this time I wasn’t into trophy hunting and thus I only played through the story and unlocked some random trophies. A few months later I got all kill related trophies, which has been one big awful grind. The only thing I was missing was to reach floor 50 in endless mode. I tried it several time but I failed all the time. Luckily I some random guys joined my lobby once. They were really good in this game and they pulled me through the floors. A big thanks to you guys!

130.              The Inner World (EU version) – A very lousy Point & Click that has been ported from Steam to PS4. The story is really weird and it has a lot of missable trophies. I recommend using my guide or the walkthrough video by IBadDriverI.

131.              Full Throttle Remastered – After Day of the Tentacle, another great remaster by Double Fine. I enjoyed this remaster as much as the original game back in the 90s. If you get stuck, you can use my guide or the walkthrough video by IBadDriverI.

132.              The Inner World (US version) – see #130

133.              Blackwood Crossing (EU version) – A quick and easy adventure that I was able to complete with the help of this video walkthrough by IBadDriverI.

134.              The Sexy Brutale – For me definitively the game of the year. It’s a great indi adventure with an awesome story. I also enjoyed the graphics and the gameplay. You have to solve some (not too hard) puzzles to prevent deaths of the NPCs. IMO you should play through this game blind but if you want you can use my trophy guide or written walkthrough or the video walkthrough by IBadDriverI. There are also a lot of collectibles in this game. To make it easier you could use my collectible guide or IBadDriverI’s collectible video.

135.              Blackwood Crossing (US version) – see #133

136.              √Letter (EU Vita version) – see #103

137.              Steins;Gate 0 (EU/US Vita version) – see #104

138.              Steins;Gate (US PS3 version) – I already completed the EU PS3 and Vita version of this Visual Novel. At this time it was on sale on the US store and I took the chance to unlock this cheap Platinum Trophy.

139.              Wheels of Aurelia (EU version) – Wheels of Aurelia is a story driven adventure game with 16 different endings, which all need to be unlocked. Luckily one playthrough only takes 15 minutes. The most annoying trophy is Ending P but apart from that everything is easy. There’s also a US version available which I’ll get as soon as it is on sale.

140.              巫女学校物語~楓編 – This is an adventure game that is only available in the Japanese store. Most of the time you’re just watching cutscenes. The parts in which you actually control your character are very short. You could unlock all trophies within 5-6 hours if you have the nerves to do them all in one sitting.

141.              Black & White Bushido (EU version) – If you own a second controller and you want to get a very fast Platinum Trophy, this is the perfect game for you. It’s a fighting game and you can unlock (nearly) all trophies while playing against yourself. If you follow my guide, you’ll be able to unlock everything in around 15 minutes.

142.              Black & White Bushido (US version) – see above

143.              Albedo: Eyes From Outer Space (JP version) – “Yeah, another version of Albedo. Now I can play through this highly anticipated game AND unlock trophies again!” was no one ever saying. Seriously, I hope this is the last version they’ve ever released. Playing this bullshit for the 3rd time is enough.

144.              Murdered: Soul Suspect (PS3 version) – As I already played through the PS4 version back in 2016, I simply rushed through this game with the help of a guide and didn’t care about story or anything else. Thus I skipped most of the cutscense and was able to do it much faster than last time.

145.              Dying: Reborn (EU PS4 version) – If you ever plan to play this game, use a guide! This game is short but terrible and you don’t want to play through it for a second time due to some missing trophies. This room-escape game has one of the worst voice actings I heard in my whole life.

146.              Super Time Force Ultra – This one is another relict of my pre-trophy-hunter era. I got for free as part of the IGC and didn’t even played through the story as I found it really hard at that time. A few months later I came back and finished the story and some of the random trophies. This time I found it already much easier. Nearly a year later I finally found the time to complete this game. The things there were missing were the collectibles, the Helladeck levels and the Ultra Hardcore Mode playthrough. I don’t know why I needed so long to complete this game as it really wasn’t that challenging at all.

147.              Siegecraft Commander (EU version) – Even this game has a story mode, all trophies need to be unlocked in offline multiplayer. If you follow a guide or some YouTube videos, those trophies shouldn’t give you any troubles.

148.              Yesterday Origins – Another easy but very annoying Point & Click. In this game you aren’t allowed to skip any cutscense and you have to finish it in under 250 minutes or you’ll miss the related trophies. If you use a guide and you’re fast enough, everything can be done in one playthrough. Don’t forget to pause the game when preparing your next steps.

149.              Dying Light – This game was given to me by my brother in law shortly after I bought my PS4. I really liked it and I must admit, this is one of the best games on PS4 I played until now. I finished the story but I didn’t care about the multiplayer trophies as I wasn’t interested in trophies at all at that time. Over 2 years later I got myself a copy of the Enhanced Edition and took part in a gaming session to unlock the missing trophies of the base game. I also plan to finish the DLCs somewhere in the future.

150.              Apotheon – I picked up this game for ~4€ when it was on sale in the Austrian store. Despite the Platinum Trophy is ultra-rare, the game itself is no challenge at all. You only need to play through it once, get rid of the trophies tide to side missions and collectibles, and afterwards you can use a glitch to save yourself a complete playthrough on Olympian, the hardest difficulty. This game can be completed in around 10 hours.

That’s it for today. As you can see, a lot of easy games in this list. If you haven’t gotten them all already, you should pick them up and watch your platinum count rising.

I don’t know what will be next. Let’s which game I’ll finish and I’ll post about that. As usual, thanks for reading.


Summing Up the Past #8: Playing Multiple Games at Once

Welcome back!

As I’ve only limited gaming time, I was looking for ways to use the efficiently. By efficiently I mean to unlock as much Platinum Trophies as possible in the shortest possible time. And as I have a P3, a PS4 and a Vita I was thinking about playing games on all of these systems at the same time. But this would mean that I’d need games which don’t need full concentration and where I don’t have to do much. After searching through some forums I realized that Telltale games would be ideal for this. Most of those games have different trophy stacks on different stacks on different systems and you don’t have to do much while playing these games. Most of the time you’re just sitting in front of your TV and watch videos. Of course, you can make some choices within the game and have to take control over your character once in a while but that’s it. Additionally you get all trophies in (nearly) all of the Telltale games by just playing through the story. So I thought I might give it a try.

I started Tales from the Borderlands on my PS3 and PS4 at the same time and was watching the first video. When I came to the first part where I had to do something (if I remember correctly, it was some kind of fight where I had to press some buttons), I first did it on my PS4. After this part was over another video started and I switch over to my PS3, where I did the same scene again. This worked like a charm.
Unfortunately I soon had to realize that I still wasted a lot of time in front of the TV by doing nothing as the video sequences took much longer than the scenes where you have to do something. Luckily I still had an unplayed visual novel for my PS Vita, which I started as well.
This means that I was playing 3 games at the same time and I was able to complete them within 2 days. This was a big win as it would have taken me a whole week to complete them all if I’d have been playing them one after the other. Since that bought most of the Telltale games and I played them simultaneously or I played a Telltale game on one of my PlaySation systems on something else on another console.
I soon realized that there are also many visual novels out there, which have separate trophy stacks on different PS systems (e.g. Steins;Gate) and I always try to play them simultaneously. This save me a massive amount of time already.

Here’s the list of games in which I unlocked Platinum Trophies starting from October 2016 until December 2016:

54.  Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ - A typical visual novel that was free to PS+ members once. I played this game at the same time as both versions of Tales from the Borderlands.

55.  Tales from the Borderlands (PS4 version) – A typical Telltale game. You make some choices and take control over your character once in a while but most of the time you’re watching videos. You’ll get all trophies by playing through the story.

56.  Tales from the Borderlands (PS3 version) – see above

57.  Adam’s Venture Origins – What a lame game. It’s like some crappy Tomb Raider clone but without shooting and fun. Luckily you can complete it in a few hours.

58.  Steins;Gate (EU PS3 version) – A simply visual novel. I played it simultaneously with the Vita version.

59.  Steins;Gate (EU Vita version) – see above

60.  Magus – This is some kind of crappy little RPG in which you’re forced to play with a mage. Story, graphics and gameplay are awful in this game but it’s easy and can be completed in a view hours.

61.  Megamind – The game to the movie of the same name. It’s a kids game so you don’t have to expect any challenge.

62.  Game of Thrones (PS4 version) – A typical Telltale game. Nothing special about it.

63.  NCIS Game – That’s some kind of Point & Click game based on the TV show. Can be completed in a view hours with the help of a guide.

64.  Game of Thrones (PS3 version) – see 53, I was playing Snoopy on PS4 at the same time.

65.  Snoopy’s Grand Adventure – An easy platformer. The only bad thing about this game are the collectibles. There are a lot and you’ll spend some hours searching for them.

66.  Riptide GP2 – This is an arcade racing game with Jet-Skies. There are several modes in which you have to win races or beat the highscore by performing tricks. Not a bad game.

67.  Monster Jam: Path of Destruction – I was quite surprised when I played this game. I though a game featuring monster trucks must be awful but in the end I liked it. IMO the best game from the series.

68.  My Name is Mayo (PS4 version) – AKA the clicking simulator. Seriously, you have to click 10000 times on a mayo jar. That’s basically all you’re doing but how much can you expect from a game which costs 1$? ;-)

69.  Terminator Salvation – As a huge Terminator fan I must admit that this game is just one big insult to the whole Terminator franchise. Gameplay, story and graphics just suck!

70.  Up – In this game you replay the story of the Disney movie. As it is designed for kids, it’s not really hard but includes the usual collectibles. Can be done in a few hours.

71.  Monster Jam: Crush It! – This game has been released shortly after I played path of destruction and I thought that this game will be fun too but it turned out that it’s just bullshit. The modes are bad and the physics just suck. I mean you can drive up invisible walls during stunt levels. I think the devs just wanted to release this game quickly to make some easy money.

72.  LA Cops – A top down Shoot ‘em Up. As the name implies, you’re playing as a cop and have to kill some gangsters. The game itself is nice but you have to beat it in all 3 difficulties to get the Platinum Trophy. Lucky one playthrough only takes 2-3 hours and nightmare difficulty isn’t that hard with a fully upgraded character.

73.  Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness (EU version) – This is one of the longer visual novels I played up to now. It has a lot of different ending and you also need to play a mini-game for a few hours as you need to earn enough points to unlock all scenes and pictures.

74.  Jazzpunk (US version) – see 49

75.  Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary Edition World Tour – I think everyone has already heard of Duke Nukem so I won’t get into detail. As it is an anniversary edition it contains a few new maps. This is one of the few games in which you can use in-game cheats without voiding trophies. With this you can get all of them within a few hours.

76.  Dead Synchronicity – I really had to push me through this Point & Click. I really had no interest in the story at all and I also didn’t like the design of the game. One of the worst Point & Clicks I’ve played until now.

77.  The Walking Dead (PS4 version) – This is my favorite Telltale game. I already played it a few years ago on my XBOX360. I can recommend this to every Walking Dead fan. The story is great and there’re also longer parts in which you’re in control of your character. It’s not like the other Telltale games in which of them you’re just watching videos most of the time.

78.  Nubla (US version) – This is a tiny little puzzle game with a few collectibles. It can be completed in around 30 minutes by using this guide or watching this video on IBadDriverI’s YouTube channel.

79.  The World of Nubla – see above

80.  Far Cry Primal – I had this game in my backlog for a few months. I always wanted to play it but I never found the time. Basically it’s a really good game with solid graphics but it gets boring with the time. Killing enemies in different ways can be fun but capturing all outposts and forts is all the time the same. Nevertheless, I’m happy that I played the game but I’m also happy that I’m done with it.

81.  ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS (EU version) – This is a multiplayer game in which everyone is in control of a – what a surprise – rocket and your aim is to destroy your opponents. The game is fun for about 5 minutes but then you’ve already seen everything. If you’re going for a trophy, I highly recommend a boosting partner as this will make some of the trophies much easier.

82.  TEKKEN Tag Tournament HD – This is one of the easiest Beat ‘em Up games out there. Most of the trophies can be unlocked while playing against yourself. For some trophies it’s recommended to have someone who assists you. Entering commands on 2 controllers at the correct time can be a bit tricky.

83.  The Little Acre – A Point & Click. As usual, follow a guide and you can complete it within a few hours.

84.  ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS (US version) – see 81

That’s it for today. Next time will be the last “Summing Up the Past” post. Afterwards I’ll post every time I get a new Platinum Trophy and will get a little bit more into detail of the games.
