
Summing Up the Past #4 – Mortal Kombat

Hi and welcome back! As announced last time, this post will be about Mortal Kombat.
As already said, in spring 2016 I found more time to play games. At this time I also decided to go for Platinum Trophies as well as to get a better completion rate. One big eyesore in this regards was Mortal Kombat. I only played it once just for fun – unfortunately with my account – with one of my friends on his PS4. To be precisely, it was on 25th May 2015, the exact same day on which I unlocked my first Platinum Trophy ever. Thus I thought it might be a good idea to unlock some trophies in this game. Up to now I only had two in this game.
I bought myself a copy of the game with the attitude to only some of the easy trophies. Especially the all easy trophies (e.g. completing the tutorial, spilling 1,000 pints of blood…) and the ones that can be boosted with a second controller (e.g. perform every character’s X-Ray/Fatality…). As a complete Mortal Kombat noob I thought that this will be enough for me.
Surprisingly I got used to the game mechanics quite fast and I really started to enjoy playing this game. Due to this I set my goals higher and higher and was able to unlock more and more trophies. I also bought the XL add-on and unlocked all of its trophies as well.
On 30th March, after 20 days of intensive playing and grinding, I was nearly done with the game. The only trophy left was “Keep it Secret”. For this I had to find a secret fight in one of the living towers. Unfortunately this trophy is some kind of date sensitive. Every week there’s a new living tower but unfortunately not all of them include a secret fight. Thus I had to wait for the right tower to appear to unlock this trophy.
I was searching through some forums to find out if anybody knows when such a tower will appear. What I read there really scared me. Some people where already waiting since months! Some of them already feared that those towers will never show up again and thus making this Platinum Trophy unobtainable.
Luckily it turned out that this wasn’t true. A few weeks later the right tower showed up and finally, nearly eleven months after unlocking my first two trophies in this game, I was able to get the last bronze trophy as well as the Platinum Trophy.
I was really happy! Not even that I completed this game, it also taught me a lesson. Never ever play a game just for fun with your real account – ALWAYS use a secondary account for such things – and keep your hands of games with stupid date sensitive trophies.

That’s it for today. I hope you enjoyed reading. In any way you’re welcome to leave a comment and come back for more. Up next: Auto-Popping! 


Summing Up the Past #3 – Need for Speed? Done! Or not?

Hey there! Thanks for coming back! Today I’ll tell you something about the way to my 8th Platinum Trophy as well as something about an unexpected DLC.


My “career” as a trophy hunter nearly ended before it even started. Soon after my first Platinum Trophy many things changed in my life and they had nothing to do with gaming. I fell in love with my girlfriend, moved to a new home and also become godfather of my niece. As you can imagine, those things kept my busy for a while and I was hardly ever thinking about playing video games. Nevertheless I still played some games from time to time and I was able to get the Platinum Trophies of following games:
  • Lego Jurassic World
  • Rocket League
  • Farming Simulator 15
  • Lego Marvel’s Avengers
  • The Order: 1886
  • Hitman GO
None of those games has been much of a challenge but I had to return to Rocket League from time to time over the next one and a half years to finish some DLCs.

In April, nearly a year after my first Platinum Trophy, everything settled a little bit and I found more time to play games. As I was thinking about getting the latest Need for Speed for a while, I thought it would be the perfect time now. The Platinum Trophy seemed a little bit time intensive and the DLCs seemed to be a bit of challenge but I knew I could do them.

I got myself a copy of the game and I truly enjoyed it since the first minute. I must admit, I’m a fan of the Need for Speed series since I played Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit on my Playstation back in 1998 and thus it wasn’t a big surprise that I liked this game.

It didn’t took me that long to unlock the Platinum and also the DLC wasn’t that challenging. Mental Unblock was hard as I couldn’t get used to the car for a while. In the end I was still able to unlock this trophy – although it took me a lot of tries. The lamest trophy in the game was Hit The Ceiling. It was just on big grind to reach reputation level 70. As soon as I reached it, I was done with the game. At least, that’s what I thought.

As I was thinking that I was done, I sold the game. And you know what? A few days after I got rid of it, the infamous Prestige and Speedlists DLC was released. The difficulty in this new mode has increased dramatically and you need a lot of skills and time to unlock the 3 new bronze trophies. That’s right, 3 BRONZE trophies!

I was so angry. If I had known this before, I wouldn’t have ever bought this game. After reading through some forum posts I soon realized that I’m not the only one. People were really mad at EA for release this DLC: They were complaining about the difficulty and that this DLC was released such a long time after the base game came out.

Up to now I never played the game again, meaning I never tried any of this new races. Maybe I never will. The only thing I can tell you is that only a few people out there managed to get those trophies and from what I know it took them around 100 hours.


That’s if for now. I hope you enjoyed reading: Next time I’ll tell you a short story about Mortal Kombat. Until then: Happy Hunting!




Summing Up the Past #2 – My first Platinum Trophy

Welcome back! Today I’d like to tell you the story behind my first Platinum Trophy.

As mentioned in my last post, it wasn’t my intention to become a trophy hunter. Thus I never thought that I’ll unlock my first Platinum Trophy already a few weeks after creating my PSN account but I did it for a reason.
Some friends of mine, who already unlocked trophies when PS3 was state of the art, often said something like: “Look at this guy’s profile, he has already xxx Platinum Trophies!” or “Wow, this guy just unlocked another Platinum Trophy!” As a newcomer to trophies I thought unlocking a Platinum Trophy must be really hard and you have to really good at this specific game. Now I know that this isn’t true. There are surely hard Platinum Trophies out there but many can be achieved quite easily, even though some of them require a lot of time.
One time I was sitting in front of my PS4 and I started to check out the PSN profiles of my friends. Even though they already unlocked their first trophies on their PS3, some of them never managed to unlock a Platinum Trophy. So I said to myself: “Wouldn’t it be awesome to unlock a Platinum Trophy a few weeks after creating a PSN profile? What would my friends think about that?” Thus I started to check out the trophies of Driveclub, the game I was playing at that time. I saw that the Platinum Trophy had – and still has – a high rarity but it seemed doable for me. I thought: “Hey, those trophies aren’t hard, they’re just time intensive. I can do this!” Immediately after that I started hunting my first trophies.
On 25th May 2015 it happened. Exactly 10 days after I started Driveclub and 12 days after I created my account I unlocked #UniteInSpeed – my first Platinum!
Of course I immediately told my friends about it. Most of them acted like they don’t care but I know there were at least a few of them who’ve been really impressed – even though they never told me this directly.
OK, first Platinum Trophy unlocked. No big deal. Should I go for more? “No, you’re not a trophy hunter. Just play games you really enjoy. If you don’t get Platinum, who cares?” This is what I was thinking at that time not realizing that something deep inside me already made click. But this is something that took me a few more months to realize.

I hope you enjoyed reading. Stay tuned for more!


PS: There're still some DLCs left I need to complete in Driveclub.

Summing Up the Past #1 – My first Trophy

Hi and welcome to my Blog! As this is my first post, let me tell you some about myself.

I’m a gamer since I was a child and I started on Sega Mega Drive – or Genesis for you Americans. Since then I played games on nearly every console as well as on PC.
Back in 2015 I switched from my XBOX360 to PS4. Reason for that was that the release of “The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited” was close. I was (and still am) a huge Elder Scrolls fan and as my friends all had a PS4. As we wanted to play this game together, it was time for a change.
I was looking for a cheap bundle and found the one that included the PS4, 2 controller, a camera and Bloodborne. I started the game and soon I had to realize that I really sucked at this game. Surprisingly I also unlocked my first trophy ever in this game but I didn’t gave a shit about it: I was an Achievement Hunter once on the XBOX but I didn’t want to hunt trophies on my PS4, instead I wanted to play only games that I really enjoy. I tried to play Bloodborne a few times over the next week and was also able to unlock one more trophy before I got rid of the game.
A few months later it was clear that “Blood Gem Contact”, that’s how my first trophy is called, will not be one of a few trophies that I can call my own, instead there will be A LOT more. But that’s another story.

In my next posts I will not go through every single trophy I’ve earned in the last years. Instead I will tell you something about my high- and lowlights until I catch up with my actual Platinum Trophy count. From then on I will frequently blog about every new Platinum Trophy, I will also review the games I play a little bit and will try to give you some tips on these.
Happy Hunting and see you next time!
