After I
completed my Visual Novels I was looking for further cheap game. Luckily there
was a huge Flash Sale in the US PS Store with a lot of easy Point-and-Click
“But Point-and-Click games aren’t easy – they’re
very hard and illogical in some cases.” – That’s basically correct if you’re playing
those games blind. If you take advantage of a guide, and you can find one for
most of the games in the internet, they’re damn easy and most of them can be
completed within a couple of hours. I know, the fun factory is of course not
that high if you’re following strictly to a guide but it’s the fastest way to
beat the game and to unlock trophies.
As a person
who played a lot of those games within the last year I wouldn’t recommend
playing many of them in a row. This can get really boring and annoying, unless
you’re a huge fan of this kind of games.
Now let’s
see which games kept me busy the upcoming weeks:
45. The Bunker –
A full motion video Point-and-Click. In my opinion this game isn’t any good. I
didn’t like the acting and the story was also quite lame. The good thing is
that it doesn’t take very long. There are also two endings, which are both
related to a trophy, but you don’t have to play the game twice. Simply make
your last choice in the game, wait for the trophy to unlock and exit the game. Afterwards
you can start at the last checkpoint and make the other decision. This method
will save you another full playthrough of the game but you won’t see one of the
endings. If you’re interested, you can check out Stay and/or Leave on IBadDriverI’s
46. Broken Sword 5
– I already played the original Broken Sword on my PlaySation back in the days
and I had high hopes in this game. Unfortunately the story wasn’t that good and
I didn’t really enjoyed it that much.
47. Day of the Tentacle Remastered – If you like old school Point-and-Click games
and/or haven’t played the original Day of the Tentacle yet, I can only highly
recommend this to you. It’s truly a good game and they did an awesome job with
the remastering. You can also play the classical Maniac Mansion within this
48. Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations (PS4 version) – Man, I hate this game! I really
had to push me through it. The story is just lame and you can’t skip the
conversations. I don’t know if I’ll ever go for the Platinum Trophy in the PS3
version as well. Maybe you need to be a fan of the TV series to find the jokes
49. Jazzpunk (EU version) – A strange little adventure game with a lot of missable trophies. I
highly recommend using a guide to beat it on one go. There’s also a US version
with a separate trophy list available.
50. Grim Fandango Remastered – Another great remastered game by Double Fine Productions, the same team which remastered Day of the Tentacle. Unfortunately this one takes a few hours and you have to play it with tank control to unlock the Platinum Trophy.
51. Arcade Game Series: Dig Dug – This game can be bought as a bundle with two other classical
arcade games (Pac Man and Galaga) for a good price. All of them a pretty easy
when you abuse the cloud save function but this game is the most annoying and,
at least in my opinion, hardest one.
52. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3
version) – As I already played the Vita
version I simply had to download my save file on my PS3 and all trophies
53. Back to the Future: The Game (PS4
version) – If you’re a fan of BTTF, you’ll most likely enjoy this game. At the
beginning it briefly follows the story of the movies but then it goes into a
completely different direction. As most of the other Point-and-Clicks, this one
has a lot of missable trophies and a guide is recommended.
That’s it
for today. I hope you found the one or the other game that might help you to
increase your Platinum Count. Next time I’ll tell you how to play multiple games
at once and about the rest of the games I completed within 2016.