
Platinum #179 + #180: (Thimbleweed Park EU + NA Version)

Hey there!

Thimbleweed Park is a retro-style Point & Click, which has been available on PC since a few months. Now it has also been released for PS4. It has been developed by the same guys who also made Maniac Mansion and The Secret of Monkey Island. The game is made in pixel-art and looks really nice. Also, the music and sound effects are retro, which reminded me of the times when I played Point & Clicks on my PC in the early ‘90s.

The game takes place in 1987 and starts with a murder and you take over control of FBI Agents Ray and Reyes. Your task is to identify the murder. As you progress through the story you unlock 3 more character: Ransome the Clown, Delores Edmund, and Franklin Edmund the Ghost. They all have their own backstory and their own goals but you need to work together to solve all the puzzles.

There are 2 different difficulties (casual and hard). Once you’ve chosen your difficulty you can’t change it anymore until the end of the game. Casual is very simple. Some of the puzzles have been simplified, while others don’t even exist. On hard mode, you’ll see that some items are on different places and that there are more locations you must explore. You’ll get a trophy for completing the game on easy and another one for completing the game on hard. Unfortunately, those trophies don’t stack, which means you must play through the game twice.

Speaking of trophies, it’s not done with playing through the game twice. There are also a few miscellaneous trophies you must keep an eye on. The most annoying is for sure “No One Is Home”. To unlock this trophy, you need to call 100 different people and listen to their voice mails. This will take about 30 boring minutes.

You also need pick up 75 so-called specks of dust. These are the collectibles in the game. The problem is that they don’t have any fixed placed – they appear random. Worry not, there’s a very easy trick to get them within 5 minutes. Just play until you encounter one of those specks and save your game. Now pick up the speck and reload your old save. Do this until you’ve picked up 75 of them.

If you’re playing the game for the first time, you’ll need for sure 10 hours to unlock the Platinum Trophy. I needed 6 hours alone for the hard playthrough on the EU version, in which I was also going for all the random trophies. On the NA version, I was much faster. I needed only 5 hours (including a few breaks) to unlock the Platinum Trophy.

If you like Point & Clicks, you’ll definitively love this game. Especially if you’ve played some of the classics. This game is full of references to those old games. Unfortunately, it’s quite expensive (19.99€ or 19.99$). It might be best to wait until it’s on sale.

Here’s a spoiler free guide or you can also follow the walkthrough provided by IBadDriverI.

And here's the speck of dust exploit:


Platinum #178: Siegecraft Commander (NA version)

Hey there!

Man, I was really waiting for a long time to see this game on sale. I’ve already played the EU version and I knew that this game can be completed in under 1 hour and I didn’t want to pay full price (19.99$). Thus I had to grab this game in the latest flash sale.

Siegecraft Commander is a pretty simple strategy game with decent graphics. That controls are also quite good. The devs did a good job here. I’ve played such games already on other consoles and I remember quite well which crappy controls these games had. Of course, playing such games on PC is always the best option.

Even though the game offers a campaign, I can’t tell you anything about the story. All trophies have to be unlocked in local multiplayer, which means that you need at least two controllers. It’s a bit confusing to play with 2 controllers but you’ll get used to it quite soon. Of course, it would be best if you have someone who could help you. This would also speed things up. I’d also recommend to play at least the tutorial to get used to the game’s mechanics.

The most annoying trophy in the game is called “Winter War”. I would focus on this one first. The rest is cake walk. If you’re following a guide and know what to do, you can finish this game in under 1 hour easily. As I’ve already played the EU version, I was able to beat the NA version in approx. 40 minutes.

All in all I must say that I was happy to get a quick Platinum Trophy but I wouldn’t have been sad if I would have had to play through the game. I think that I would have enjoyed it.


Platinum #177: The Assembly

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The Assembly was initially released for VR only but later on there has been a patch which allows you to play the game without VR.

The graphics and the controls aren’t that bad – when playing with a controller – but could have been better. Unfortunately I don’t own VR so I can’t tell you how it looks and feels to play this game VR. I didn’t pair much attention to the story but I all can tell you is that I got bored pretty early.

The game itself is, at least in my opinion, a pretty boring walking simulator. This means that most of the time you’re walking around and do some stuff to advance with the story. Most of the time you’re solving some more or less easy puzzles. Luckily the game doesn’t take that long and all of its trophies can be unlocked in one playthrough by following a guide. If you’re playing through the game blindly, there’s a high chance that you miss the one or the other trophies. Upon beating the game you unlock chapter select, which makes the clean trophy up pretty easy.

I can recommend this game to any trophy hunter who’s out for a quick Platinum Trophy but I’d wait until this game is on sale. For all other players it would be best to save your money and spend it on another game, unless you’re a hardcore fan of puzzle games.

Following the video by IBadDriverI you should be able to beat the game in around 3 hours.


Platinum #176: Undertale

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Undertale is some kind of wannabe RPG in which you spare every single enemy, if you wish too. While I do find the idea behind beating a RPG without killing a single enemy very interesting and good, I also do find the implementation very bad. I don’t understand why this game has been so hyped, when it has been released on PC a few years ago.
Yes, it has been developed by only one single person and yes, there are a lot of secrets to discover within the game. But that’s basically it. Uncovering some secrets don’t make the story any better. Even if there are a lot of different endings, I wouldn’t waste my time going for all of them.
The good thing is that, if you’re a trophy hunter like me, you don’t even have to complete the game to get the Platinum Trophy. The story-related trophies only force you to play until level R3 inside the core. You don’t even have to unlock one single ending. There are also 4 trophies for picking up 4 random items which will unlock automatically while playing the game. The only trophies that can be missing are the donation-related trophies. For this you have to spare Papyrus and get with him on a date. Afterwards you’ll have access to the dog shrine within his house. Here you have to donate 35G for the last trophies. Unfortunately you can only donate 1G at the time, so it will take a few minutes.
If you’re out for a quick & easy Platinum Trophy, wait until this game is on sale. 14.99€ is way too much in my opinion. Following the video by IBadDriverI you should be able to beat the game in around 3 hours.

Platinum #175: BRIKS (EU version)

Hey there!

BRIKS is a classic brick breaking arcade game in a new design. It features animated backgrounds and power-ups like multi ball or fire ball, which are typical for this kind of game.

There are 40 levels available from the start and you have to beat them all to unlock 10 additionally levels. Some of the levels are quite easy but other ones might take a few tries. Whenever you stuck on a level I’d suggest you replay one of the easier levels, rack up some lifes, and try the level again. This tactic is especially very useful in level 50. In this level you aren’t breaking any bricks, instead you have to defeat a boss. This is a flying head which takes a lot of hits until it’s dead. Having a lot of lifes will come in handy.

While playing through all levels you should be able to get most, if not all, trophies. In case you miss some, simply replay one of the levels and try focusing on the trophy requirement. Depending on your skills and luck, you should get all trophies within the range of 3-6 hours.

14.99€ is in my opinion overpriced but as it has been removed from the store for a while I couldn’t wait. I feared that it gets removed again before I bought it. There’s also a NA version available but here I’ll definitively wait for a price drop.


Platinum #174: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters

Hey there!

Green Lantern:Rise of the Manhunters is another game in which you can unlock the Platinum Trophy quick and without much effort.

Most of the trophies will unlock naturally whilst playing through the game on hard. Don’t worry, hard is pretty easy if you have a second controller lying around. Simply press START on your second controller when you’re about to die. Now you only need to survive 10 seconds with as player 2. Afterwards you’ll respawn automatically.

During your playthrough you should also focus on unlocking as many kill related trophies as possible and upgrade your character regularly. Furthermore there are a few collectibles you need to pick up. Here I recommend using a guide and to get them in one playthrough. They’re needed to unlock 2 trophies and they’ll also power up your character, which is very helpful.

After you’ve finished the game simply hit CONTINUE and finish the first 3 levels. This should give you enough willpower to max out your character and to unlock the Platinum Trophy. To unlock all trophies you shouldn’t need more than 6-8 hours.

I haven’t followed the story in detail as I’ve skipped as many cut-scenes as possible but from what I’ve seen I can tell that it’s even worse than the movie. And the movie wasn’t any good at all. To be fair, this game is much better then Iron Man 2 but if you want to play a really good comic / movie game, I’d suggest you get yourself a copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

If you ever stumble across a cheap copy of the game and you want a quick and easy Platinum Trophy, you can buy this game. But I wouldn’t pay too much or expect a really good game. Furthermore you need to keep in mind that it’s a PS3 game and already a few years old. This means the graphics aren’t up to date (and have never been).


Platinum #173: Star Wars Battlefront

Hey there!

Finally, a long journey has come to an end. It took me more than 1 year and 7 months to finish Star Wars Battlefront. You can imagine how happy I’m that it’s finally over.

This game is a relic of my pre trophy hunting era. I didn’t care much about trophies and as a Star Wars fan I thought that I must get this game. The game wasn’t nearly as good as expected. There’re only a few offline missions and the online modes also got pretty boring soon. So I just unlocked a few random trophies and gave up the game quickly.

A few months later, when I was already into trophy hunting, I regret that I’ve ever bought this game. But I didn’t want to keep this game unfinished, as I knew that I could do it. Indeed, some of the missing trophies turned out that they aren’t that hard and unlock a few every now and then. When I was nearly done with the main game and most of the DLCs, it was time to grind up to level 100. A boosting session with using the droid run exploit and some double XP weekends helped a lot to shorten the time. When this was done I only had to beat the 4 survival missions on hard. And to be honest, these mission were actually really hard if you don’t know what to do and if you try them solo. So I started to read some strategies and played and completed Hoth as well as Tattoine in co-op. I completed Sullust and Endor solo and I must admit, I’m a little bit proud of this.

Endor was the last map and when I made it I couldn’t help myself and made a little victory dance in front of my TV. ;-)

If I wouldn’t have bought this game in my pre trophy hunting era, I’d never have touched this game. But now I must say that I’m very happy and proud to call this ultra-rare Platinum Trophy my own. And there’s also one thing I can tell for sure, I’m not going to buy Star Wars Battlefront 2 – unless the trophies are super easy of course. ;-)


Platinum #172: Iron Man 2

Hey there!

I bet none of the devs ever said: “We made a great game” when they released Iron Man 2 for PS3 back in 2010. This game is just one big joke. The gameplay, the graphics, the story, the (German) voice acting; simply everything is bad in this game. This is a typical game that has been released in addition to a movie to make some quick money.

Lucky you also unlock all trophies very quickly. The 8 missions are all very short and can hard mode is completely easy by using an exploit. Unfortunately it’s not enough to beat the game. You have to complete most of the missions with Iron Man and War Machine, which means you have to replay them at least once. And there’re also kill related trophies. You have to get 100 kills with every weapon but to be honest, kill grinding was actually the fun part in the game and can be completed quickly. You can easily unlock all trophies in 6-8 hours or less, if you’ve the patience to do so.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy Platinum Trophy, go and get another game. It’s not worth the time and money. There’re many games out there which are exactly that easy, but are for sure more fun. If you’d like to play an awesome comic / movie game, go and get yourself X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It’s harder but way better.


Platinum #171: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Hey there!

As a huge comic – and especially Wolverine – fan I was interested in playing this game since many years but it turned out that this game is hard to get in Austria. Finally I was able to pick up a copy of this game at a Gamestop.

When I started the game I was surprised by the graphics. Even the game has already been released in 2009, the graphics are still awesome. Especially the cutscenes look really great.

Storywise you’re loosely following the story of the movie. If the movie would’ve been as brutal as this game, it would have been a great movie. It’s exactly how a Wolverine game has to be. You don’t have to forget that he’s the best in what he does, and what he does isn’t very nice! ;-) So you’re fighting / killing your way through lots of enemies within the 5 chapters and take out some mini-bosses as well as some iconic Marvel characters. Even it’s just button smashing most of the time, it never got boring.

Thropywise you’ve to play through the game on normal and hard, max out your character, get some collectibles and kill lots of enemies in various ways. This doesn’t sound that bad but unfortunately there’s no NG+. This means that you have to beat the game on normal to unlock hard mode, do a lot of grinding, and afterwards you have beat game again. This time on hard. Luckily you’ll know most of the levels very well then, which means that you can ignore lots of enemies and just speed run through most of the sections. You can also skip all cutscenes now. All in all it will take approx. 20 hours to get the Platinum Trophy.

I can really recommend this game to any comic / hack and slash fans. You won’t be disappointed!


Platinum #169 & #170: Energy Cycle (PS4 EU & Vita EU Version)

Hey there!

Since the PS4 EU & Vita EU versions got their own trophy stacks, I couldn’t resist getting those two quick and easy Platinum Trophies. Each version costs 3.59€ and can be completed in 15 minutes.

For further details about the game and a video guide by IBadDriverI check out Platinum #153: Energy Cycle (PS4 NA Version).


Platinum #167 & #168: Demetrios (PS4 EU & NA Version)

Hey there!

Demetrios is a Point & Click game that has already been released for the Vita in December 2016. Now the developers have released 2 separate versions for the PS4. And the good thing is that they are cross-buy. This means that in case you’ve already played the Vita version, you’ll get the PS4 version for free! As I already got the Platinum Trophy in the Vita version, I was able to download the PS4 EU version without paying anything.

The game itself features hand drawn art (which looks really nice) and a good – and sometimes funny – story. Unless some other Point & Clicks I’ve played this one is very stable. It never crashed on me.

It’s best to use a guide when going for the Platinum Trophy. There are many miscellaneous trophies that can be missed and you also need to find all cookies and encounter all game over scenes in the game. The trophy “Mommy, I wanna stay at the funfair” is missing in the PS4 version. This comes quite in handy as you had to get 1,000 coins at the funfair, which has a boring and useless grind. The rest is still the same.

If you already own the Vita version, I highly suggest to get the PS4 version as well. It’s for free and can be completed quickly. Who doesn’t want to get some free trophies? Maybe you also want to get the other PS4 version as well, when it is on sale. You’ll really rush through your 3rd playthrough. I managed to beat the NA version in under 2 hours.

Below you can find a Platinum Walkthrough by IBadDriverI. If you’re playing the Vita version, don’t forget to get 1000 coins at the funfair. This is best being done by playing the horse race over and over again.


Platinum #166: 涼風のメルト - days in the sanctuary -

Hey there!

Another very easy visual novel which can be completed in 1.5 hours.

At first you do a playthrough with one important choice where you need to save. From there you can load and unlock 3 additional endings. As soon as this is done, a new icon appears on the main menu. Click on and you have to do another 4 very short playthroughs without any choices. After this another icon will appear on the main menu. Click on it and do you final playthrough. There’re aren’t any choices and as soon as this is done the Platinum Trophy will be yours.

In my opinion this is a must-play game for trophy hunters. Not only it’s fast & easy, it also has only 12 trophies (11 Gold and 1 Platinum). Buy it whenever you have the chance to do so.
